Master of Design Degree

12 months full-time

Sydney + Melbourne + Brisbane

FEE - HELP Approved

Starting Online: 26th February 2024

Whitehouse Institute’s Master of Design balances design research with inter-disciplinary studio practice enabling socially responsible and innovative outcomes. The course will develop students’ existing knowledge and skills to achieve mastery in their chosen discipline, whilst encouraging interdisciplinary engagement.

Prepared through independent judgements or collaborative shared vision, designed outcomes will be made in response to contemporary issues and contexts. Supported by a range of relevant design theories and current approaches to ‘make’, the course develops students’ design thinking skills, and promotes curiosity and design confidence, leading to a major design project.

Master of Design


The Master of Design curriculum is a triangular model of research, learning and teaching, and industry engagement, with a thematic approach to research and practice delivered across each trimester.

Practice-led research and studio practice in a collaborative learning environment form the basis from which students may produce original and innovative design outcomes.

The themes of the Master of Design are as follows:

  • Design and research skills are covered at the Graduate Certificate level.
  • Design and culture are investigated at Graduate Diploma level.
  • Design and experimentation, practice, major project exhibition and publication form the basis of the Master level course.

The Master of Design is delivered over three, twelve-week trimesters. A full-time study load is indicated as six to nine hours per week face-to-face delivery plus up to thirty six hours of independent study.A two year part-time qualification is also available, allowing maximum flexibility for the learning content to be negotiated for interested students.

Course Structure

Code Subject Credit points per subject
RW7 Research Workshop for Design 12 Credit Points
MC7 Explorations of Material Culture 12 Credit Points
IG7 Frameworks for Ideas Generation 12 Credit Points
BS8 Reading the Body and Space 12 Credit Points
DP8 Design Project 24 Credit Points
PP8 Project Proposal 24 Credit Points
DS9 Design Studio 24 Credit Points
DE10 Design Exhibition and Publication 24 Credit Points


Graduate Attributes

Upon graduation from the Master of Design, students will have access to a body of knowledge, and mastery of selected skills prerequisite for professional practice in the creative industries. They will be able to independently plan, organise, conduct, and successfully participate in the resolution of complex design problems, drawing on contemporary scholarship, and socially responsible and innovative approaches to make and supply.

Furthermore, students will demonstrate the capacity for reflective practice and utilise socially responsible design for the betterment of our communities. Students will demonstrate design confidence and be creative practitioners who can understand clients’ needs and the challenges associated with commercial projects. They will be flexible thinkers who show responsiveness to change and who can drive future and emerging economies.


Campus Life

Whitehouse campuses occupy prime locations in the heart of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The campuses are purposed to provide high quality technical and design studio workrooms. Both campuses are situated on over 6,000 sq. meters, and boast modern and facilities, designed specifically to offer a range of contemporary learning and social spaces.

Cultural and Academic Communities

Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia intersects with many facets of the design industry with cultural organisations and academic communities. Opportunities are offered t