International Application Requirements

Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia is pleased to welcome overseas students to its campuses in Sydney and Melbourne. You are an international student if you require a temporary stay or student visa to study and remain in Australia.

Whitehouse has a diverse student community with students coming from all over Australia and from various international destinations. It is advisable that international students are familiar with the entry requirements, course structure, tuition fees and Whitehouse policies before starting an application.

Before applying we recommend you visit the official Australian government website for students studying in Australia at

Whitehouse accepts direct applications only, meaning you can only apply to study at Whitehouse through our website. Once you have determined what kind of applicant you are, it is an easy 3-Step Process to apply:

  1. Fill out and submit the online application form and a Whitehouse representative will get in contact with you to discuss your application and how to map your journey from enrolment to application
  2. Once Whitehouse has all the necessary documents for your application, you will schedule an interview with us
  3. After you have completed your interview and supplied all of the required documentation, you will receive a results email within 24hrs

Bachelor of Design

International Applicant Background